Sunday, January 30, 2011

Review of Left Hand Brewery's Milk Stout

Friday night, we taste tested Left Hand Brewery's Milk Stout while sewing the Abbey'e Eyes block from Dear Jane.  Here is what we thought. 

When you first pop the top off, I get a coffee aroma. It's a darker brew and tastes to me like it has a little chocolate milk or mocha-ish flavor. When I drink it, it 's smooth. Kind of like a root beer float that's gone all melty on a hot summer day. This beer is a bit strong for me.  I think it'd pair well with some oatmeal cookies tho. Then again, I may just be saying that just because I'm writing this review in 4-5 minute increments while I actually am baking oatmeal cookies. But I would be willing to give it one more shot. I give it 3 out of 5 thimbles.

The Milk Stout smelled wonderful when we opened it up. The aroma was sweet mixed with stout. The first sip was good, but left a slightly bitter after taste. The more I drank it, though, the less I liked it. The stout was a little thick for me. I would love to try the idea of milk and sugar in a lighter beer. I give it 2 out of 5 thimbles.

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