Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Special Valentine Review of Brasserie de Silly's Pink Killer

We decided to taste-test a special beer for Valentine's Day. A pink beer called Pink Killer. Not only is the label pink, but the beer. It is based on malt, wheat and pink grapefruit. Yum!

Dude! It's. PINK. beer. That should be nuff said to make you want to go try some. Ok, it's a pink malt beverage. But we decided that was beer like enough to qualify. Pink Killer has a pleasing perfume like aroma. It tastes like a not so sweet artisan soda...which translates to: I don't really taste alcohol. The "killer" has a nice mellow grapefruit flavor. Yum! I give this 5 thimbles. I was gonna give it 4, but it's pink! So it got a style point. Lol

As I poured this in the glass, I became excited by the lovely grapefruit pink color. After I enjoyed staring at it for a while, I picked the glass up off the counter and smelled it. You can smell the grapefruit and the orange in it. At first sip, you get the bitter of the pink grapefruit. All I can compare it to is a mix of grapefruit juice and champagne. I drank every last drop!Not only does the bottle have a pink killer dog on the label, but the cutest pink dog collar printed on the label around the neck of the bottle. 5 thimbles from me, too!

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