Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Review of Belhaven Brewery's Scottish Ale

Oddly, it smelled a bit like skunk.  It tasted way better than it smelled. It tasted slightly burnt with a tasty nuttiness flavor and a bitter finish. My apologies to the other beer aficionados that think this is wrong, but I like it better with the addition of butterscotch I do with most beers that are too bitter for me. Try it, it's tasty!  :)  2 out of 5 thimbles.

This beer had an oddly familiar smell that I just couldn't put my finger on, except that it smelled like beer. Maybe it reminded me of the smell of a bar or the a bowling alley...not sure which. When poured, there was very little head on it.  In the bottle, it was a golden caramel color, but once poured into the glass, it took on a ruby hue. The taste was bitter to the tongue, but left a smooth after taste and went down well. I give it 3 out of 5 thimbles.

Leave us a comment letting us know what you think of this brew!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog Mary. Any tips?! My gosh, I pieced my quilt so many years ago I wouldn't remember any. Have fun, enjoy the journey, and keep taste testing the beer! Great blog!