Holly and I both did this block as a template block and then as a paper-pieced block.
Tamplate Method:
Templates for Alison's Guiding Light |
Pieces cut using templates |
We started by sewing 2 of the purple triangles to the white stick (on an angle above) that goes between them. Once we had 4 units like that, we sewed 2 of the small white squares to one of the outer purple sticks as laid out above. You should have 2 of these units. After pressing, we sewed 2 of the units that used the purple triangles to the straight white sticks on either side, yielding 2 units. Next, we sewed the 2 large units to either side of the long white stick in the middle and then the 2 remaining outer purple sticks to opposite sides of the full unit. Last, sew the 2 units of purple sticks and small white squares to the sides you didn't sew the outer purple sticks to. Use a finished block or a diagram as your guide.
Mary's finished Template-pieced block |
Now, for the paper-pieced block...
Paper Pieced Method:
Paper-pieced template |
Anyway, to construc the paper-pieced block, the order printed on the pieces works great. Follow carefully and you should be fine. One tip, though...once you start piecing units together, make sure you remove some of the paper bits as you go or they are sewn in there forever. Mine will forever have a few bits of paper inside of it.
Now, for the comparison. I found it harder to get my corners and points to line up with the paper pieced pattern on this one. For this block, for me, the template pieces were definitely better than the paper-piecing.
Our finished blocks |
Feel free to link pictures of your blocks up on the right of the blog and share any tips you may have or problems you discovered in the comments.
Great blocks! Thanks for showing all the ways to make them. Thanks for stopping by, we're following now too! :)
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